The EUCAN-Connect project is a joint effort of EU countries and Canada under joint funding of EC H2020 and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
The project brings together Europe’s and Canada’s leading researchers, engineers and operators in the development and use of large cohort data infrastructures consisting of 13 highly experienced organizations and individuals from 9 countries (Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and United Kingdom). See the list of EUCAN-Connect partners here.

The expertise of the partners covers a wide and complementary range of fields, including cohort data modelling, curation and harmonization, life course epidemiology, methodology, and early-life stressors, data and processing infrastructure engineering, governance, dissemination, and project management. The partners and the team members have been selected carefully based on their experience and added value to the consortium, with the aim of optimizing the output of the project and ensuring complementary strengths while also ensuring critical mass on each activity